Taking Advantage of the Copy/Paste Setting Value (V) Feature in VersaWorks 6

This week’s quick tip highlights a useful feature within VersaWorks 6 – the Copy Paste Setting Value (V) feature. It’s a convenient tool that’s incredibly useful when applying a lot of similar tasks or attributes to jobs. Sharing this tip with your customers will help save them a significant amount of time and effort when undertaking future projects.

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Roland DG VersaWorks Update 6.12.2

The latest version of VersaWorks includes a number of new features and improvements designed to optimize ease-of-use and productivity. Share this week’s Quick Tip with your customers so they’ll be aware of the various updates.

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Special Colors are Special

This Quick Tip outlines some simple steps end users can take within VersaWorks’ Spot Color Settings to “remap” any spot color to a special color that’s recognizable to the software. Share this useful information with your customers and help them save considerable time and effort.

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