News Views & How-To's


Achieving Optimum Print Quality with the BT-12

The new VersaSTUDIO BT-12 is easy to set-up and get great print results from, right-off-the-bat! Follow these quick instructions to see how simple it is to produce colorful and vibrant graphic t-shirts, totes, infant clothing, bandanas, and so much more.

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Why Green and Orange are the New Colors of Print Production

Almost overnight, Green and Orange ink has shaken things up a bit in large format printing, and not just for Roland DG, but for the industry as a whole. See why you no longer have to make do with "near enough” or "it'll do" color with these opinions from Roland DG customers and print experts.

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Graphic Designers: Want to Produce and Sell Your Own Art?

A lot of designers and artists start their journey on third party sites because it’s cheap and it’s easy. Once they realise that their ambitions are bigger than the modest returns, they often make the choice to develop their own brand, improve their visibility and take a bigger slice of the pie...

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4 Great Reasons to Start a Home Based Business Infographic

If you're thinking of starting a home based business, take a look at some easy-to-absorb facts about the many benefits and advantages of running your own business. Get inspired to be your own boss with eye-opening data and info in this fun infographic that offers four great reasons why you should start a home-based business today.

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A-to-Z of Printing: “Q” is for “Quality Customization”— Fresh Ideas in High-End Product Personalization

In our ongoing A-to-Z series of cool products you can print on, we’ve shared a ton of ideas for printing on generic items like phone cases, golf balls, posters and everything in-between. In our latest A-to-Z post, we’d like to share some fab new ideas that illustrate the high-end specialty pieces that you might consider as exciting new products to add to your application list.

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