Taking Advantage of the Copy/Paste Setting Value (V) Feature in VersaWorks 6

This week’s quick tip highlights a useful feature within VersaWorks 6 – the Copy Paste Setting Value (V) feature. It’s a convenient tool that’s incredibly useful when applying a lot of similar tasks or attributes to jobs. Sharing this tip with your customers will help save them a significant amount of time and effort when undertaking future projects.

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Roland DG VersaWorks Update 6.12.2

The latest version of VersaWorks includes a number of new features and improvements designed to optimize ease-of-use and productivity. Share this week’s Quick Tip with your customers so they’ll be aware of the various updates.

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VersaUV LEF Series – Optimizing Default Machine Settings

Did you know that there are settings within the control panel of Roland DG’s VersaUV LEF Series printers that can make production with these advanced benchtop flatbeds more user-friendly, efficient, and forgiving? This month’s Quick Tip provides an overview. Be sure to share this useful information with your LEF customers – they’ll thank you for it!

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Naming Print Queues and Defining Settings

See this quick tip that shows you how, in a few few easy steps, you can name and change print queues in VersaWorks. Knowing how to do this makes both changing and identifying each queue a breeze.

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Special Colors are Special

This Quick Tip outlines some simple steps end users can take within VersaWorks’ Spot Color Settings to “remap” any spot color to a special color that’s recognizable to the software. Share this useful information with your customers and help them save considerable time and effort.

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Why Green and Orange are the New Colors of Print Production

Almost overnight, Green and Orange ink has shaken things up a bit in large format printing, and not just for Roland DG, but for the industry as a whole. See why you no longer have to make do with "near enough” or "it'll do" color with these opinions from Roland DG customers and print experts.

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Perf Cut Image Boundaries with the VG2

Previous VersaWorks software versions allowed for a regular contour cut around the image boundaries. With the VG2 and VersaWorks 6, it's now possible to do this function as a perf cut without having to use the “PerfCutContour” swatch in Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw. See how to take advantage of this great new feature.

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