
The Ready-to-Teach Full Solution
The Roland DG peripherals for the education world are made to allow students to explore all areas of creativity, design and object creation. In every class and for every educational level. Each government recognizes the importance of a balanced economy with a solid industrial base. For this reason, the manufacturing industry needs skilled and trained designers in the use of digital technologies and processes.
Roland DG has strong experience in providing CAD / CAM technologies accessible to schools and universities. The main application fields of Roland DG’s peripherals are: product design, packaging design, printed circuits, clothing creation and customization, digital printing and industrial applications.

The Prep and Planning is Done
Roland’s ready-to-teach Project Based Learning solutions reduce time-consuming prep and planning. While students are self-learning the software, machines, and projects, teachers are free to spend time with each student, rather than doing all the set-up, design, and machine work themselves.

Beyond Making a Yo-Yo
Without complicated instructions and machinery, ready-to-teach solutions promote intuitive learning. Through the fabrication of a simple yo-yo and other projects, students can apply complex technology and engineering principals in exciting new ways. They offer student’s fast results and an immediate sense of achievement.

Supporting Teachers and Solving Issues
Roland provides detailed tutorials alongside our educational technology, allowing students to work at their own pace and without strict supervision. They help teachers develop lessons that support school curriculums and solve many of the issues associated with teaching digital fabrication to large classroom sizes.
Explore Project Based Learning Explore Project Based Learning

Roland Education Solutions

3D Milling Machines
The perfect introduction to digital fabrication for beginners as well as being essential tools for career focused engineering and design students, Roland CNC mills allow students to create yo-yos, baseball bats, plaques and many more prototypes and objects.

Eco-Solvent Printers
Roland printers allow young students to express their creativity and career students to pursue their interest in graphic design and art – enabling them to print or print/cut window decals, t-shirt graphics, banners and more.
Project Based Learning (PBL)
Step-by-step tutorials work seamlessly with Roland software and machines, making it easy for educators to implement educational technology in the classroom and even easier for students to follow and complete.

UV Flatbed Printers
From graphic design and art to product design, Roland flatbeds give students a practical understanding of design customization. Both beginners and design career students can print directly onto golf balls, picture frames, smart phone cases, and countless three-dimensional items.

Vinyl Cutters
Students can create stickers, license plates, window graphics and more with easy-to-use Roland cutters that offer beginners the perfect introduction of digital design, and career students the ideal device for signmaking and graphic design projects.
As Featured in Make: Magazine
Read the Make: Magazine story about one of our Roland customers. It features Cherry Creek School District in Colorado and illustrates how Roland is empowering STEM students around the world.